
Showing posts from October, 2013


      The White Winged Akroyd Tag: silver tinsel Tail: Golden pheasant crest & tippet Butt: black ostrich herl Body: half yellow seal's fur, half black floss split by black ostrich herl Ribbing: oval silver tinsel over yellow seal's fur, flat embosseed silver tinsel over black floss Hackle: Yellow hackle over yellow seal's fur, black heron over black floss Wing: White turkey tail strips Cheeks: Jungle cock I have chosen to open this blog with the Akroyd as it is currently one of my favorite flies to tie & fish for Steelhead.  Called the "poor man's Jock Scott" by the originator, Charles Akroyd, it is one of the strip winged flies belonging to a family of flies called Dees, named after the famous Scottish Aberdeenshire Dee river. Many variations of the Akroyd have been tied. Changing the seal dubbing body or wing to different colors & material or tying on shorter shank hooks all give the original a different look & e...