Summer Atlantic Salmon Flies
A page of low water classics Summer Salmon fishing can be both frustrating & rewarding depending on what you make of your experience out on the water. Low, & warming water, with the constant fishing pressure over the spring & summer can really "put down" the fish. Choosing the right time to fish & the right equipment & techniques can bring rewards when the things that worked so well for us in spring fail. I focus my efforts in the first & last few hours of daylight when conditions are unfavorable. These will be the times during the day that salmon will be less stressed & more willing to accept your offerings. Finding feeder creeks or springs that spill into pools can also be productive. A few wee doubles Getting salmon to come to your fly is a challenge in itself & getting them to commit is even more difficult, but we can put some of the odds in our favor in these lean times. I typically will use sparsely tied flies bet...