Spring Atlantic Salmon Fishing: Chapter 3 The Flies

Big colorful Dee flies are great patterns for spring fishing Does the choice of fly matter in Atlantic salmon fishing? There is endless debate amongst fishermen on both sides of yes and no. We all have our own opinions on the matter. I fall in the middle ground category. My answer is always, "depends on conditions". "The fly that's fished most will be the most successful", holds true for the most part. We fishermen tend to follow the trend of what has been successful in the past and that could be enough to fool salmon. Classic feather wings, hairwings, Spey and Dee flies, tube flies and shrimp flies....they all seem to catch fish. Flies for Atlantic salmon are ever evolving with new trends and a plethora of new tying materials available, a next day, home delivery away. It seems the type of fly doesn't matter. Or does it? Mathieu fooled this chunky Springer with a white winged Ackroyd In part one , I outlined how early, migrating spring fish, will take...