Dry Flyfishing with Spey Rods for Atlantic Salmon

When water temperatures are just right, my first flies out the box will be dry flies. Dry flyfishing has got to be the most exciting way to fish for Atlantic salmon! "But two-handed rods are too cumbersome and not fit for casting and dead drifting dry flies...." Most salmon anglers I've spoken with would agree with that statement. I believed the same in the beginning, but with practice, I've come to realize that it can be done. A lot easier than most think too! In some situations a 2 hander can be limiting. Smaller rivers, for example, are better suited to single hand rods whether it be for dry fly or wet fly fishing, but for larger rivers, 2 hands are better than one! In this blog, I'll break down my preferred tools; rods, lines, leaders, and fishing methods that work for me. Hopefully this can be a starting point for those who would like to attempt to fish dry flies for Atlantic salmon using a two-handed rod. Two-handed Fly rods In today's golden age of...