The Sabotage

Tag: blue holographic tinsel
Tail: Golden pheasant crest & tippet
Ribs: Silver oval tinsel & pearl mylar
Body: half purple & half black seal dubbing
Throat: purple hackle
Wing: tented bronze mallard strips
Head: hot orange 

My 2 year old son, Adriano, loves tying flies with me! He usually sits on my lap when we tie together. He's getting pretty good at wrapping thread & hackle, but he loves cutting things with scissors. 
I left this fly on the vise waiting for the varnish to dry. It got Adriano's finishing touch when I wasn't looking!
I just laughed when I saw it. I then repeated to him how dangerous scissors are & that they can only be used when daddy's around. He said ok & asked if we could tie/cut another!
I always try to fish the flies my kids tie & this one was no exception. I tied it on with a few hours left of fishing for Great Lakes steelhead. After I checked if it swam right, I began close & took out a foot or two of line after every swing trying to cover water fast. My target was the half submerged tree that lay on the opposite bank. As the fly  began to swing close to the tree, a hard jerk of the rod & pull from the reel confirmed the commitment of a fish to the fly! A hard fought battle ended with a quick pic & release of this beautiful silver bar fresh from the lake.

The Sabotage produced another hook up soon after, but the fish came unbuttoned after a hard head shake. I unfortunately lost the fly to the tree that sheltered the fish I hooked as I pushed my luck.
I will be tying a few more of these, but will no doubt have to have Adriano's final approval with or without scissors in hand!


  1. This is hilarious!! I hope my son finds something more benign to enjoy, like brushing out dubbing!

  2. The important thing for me was teaching them about the tools before they began.I do however keep the bodkins or anything sharp out of reach & let them use a dull set of scissors. They love tying & always ask to do it! They now want there own set of tying kits!


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